Governance and Policies

Corporate Governance

The Corporation is the overarching body that governs the day-to-day operations of the College. The Corporation Board, which is a non-executive committee, meets at key stages throughout the academic year.

The board is made up of 12 external members, two staff members (one teacher and one professional services staff member), two student members and the Principal.

For more information about the Corporation, its structure, or for information about the meeting dates, agendas and minutes, contact:

Level 2 Funding

Clerk to the Corporation, Lynn Payne via the Corporation Administrator, Lisa Marshall:

Brockenhurst College
Lyndhurst Road
SO42 7ZE

Man smiling looking through paperwork

Our Governors

Level 2 Funding

Becoming a Governor

Are you interested in becoming a Governor? We are currently seeking applications from people with diverse backgrounds who are interested in the role.

As a Governor you will play a key role in the future of Brockenhurst College. You will receive regular training and an induction programme to support you in your position.

Correspondence for the attention of Governors can be sent to Brockenhurst College. It will then be forwarded to the relevant board member.

Instrument & Articles of Governance


Terms of Reference and Minutes


College Charter

The College Charter is a transparent agreement between the College and its learners.

It communicates clearly what learners can expect from the College and vice versa.

It also helps the College ensure all learners’ needs are met and that everyone is treated fairly and equally.

You can view this agreement in the College Code of Conduct.

College Policies

Key information

Equality & Diversity

We believe in treating people equally and respectfully as individuals.

Our Equality and Diversity Committee is made up of three task groups who meet regularly to review policies, carry out impact assessments and organise student-led promotions and events.


Our Equality Scheme

All members of our college community are asked to actively support our Equality Scheme by adhering to the actions outlined below.

Annual Report and Accounts

Get in touch

If you can not find the information you are looking for or would like to talk to a member of our team, you can contact us through the following options:

Tel: 01590 625555


More contact information