Course introduction

Belly Dance, also known as Middle Eastern Dance, is a way to improve fitness and mobility, as well as core and muscle strength. This course is about belly dancing (without revealing your belly), while having fun and enjoying the freedom of natural movement. Sessions are designed to be a healthy tonic for the mind, body and soul, as well as the perfect half-hour warm-up to your day. There will be no floor work involved.

Information & support

Please wear clothing that is comfortable. You can choose to wear flat shoes or no shoes at all. If you have a hip scarf that jingles, please bring it along. As with all exercise, if you have any health issues or concerns, please check with your GP or clinician before attending the class.

Dates & Locations






LocationNew Milton Community Centre

Date & time 06/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
09:00 to 09:30
on a Monday


01590 625222


LocationNew Milton Community Centre

Date & time 28/04/2025 to 14/07/2025
09:00 to 09:30
on a Monday


01590 625222

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