English Literature A Level

English Literature A Level

Start date

Brockenhurst College - Main Site

Awarding body


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Course introduction

Did you know? By exploring and enjoying great works of literature you can improve your own writing. It is a guilt-free pleasure that takes you on a journey and ultimately equips you with lifelong skills.

All literature, whether it is poems, plays, novels, or short stories, helps us address human nature and conditions that affect all people. It quite simply expands our minds.

If you enjoy reading and analysing what you read in order to appreciate characters, themes and symbols in greater depth, then don’t miss this opportunity to join with like-minded people. It will be a learning experience like no other.

Why choose
English Literature A Level?

At Brock our English Literature team comprises highly qualified and experienced teachers who understand how to achieve success.

In fact, some teachers sit on the examination board, which helps show how senior and respected they are as education professionals.

Therefore, as a student here you have every chance of fulfilling your potential and maintaining our excellent success rates.

Teaching & learning

You will read different kinds of literature, written in different historical periods by a variety of authors.

There will also be a lot of class discussions, which student feedback tells us is one of the most enjoyable parts of the course.

Assessment is mainly through essays, so you should be confident of your written skills. There will be research assignments as well.

Importantly, staff will arrange theatre trips to help you better understand set texts.

Information & support

You will need to buy your own texts.

You will also have to pay for any theatre or cinema trips you attend.

Minimum entry requirements

Five GCSEs at grade 4 and above with a minimum average GCSE score of 4.0, including:

  • English Language grade 5
  • English Literature grade 5
  • Maths

In addition, an interest in the analysis of grammar and language is desirable.

Course structure

  • Develop your interest in, and enjoyment of, literature and literary studies.
  • Enhance your ability to critically analyse and respond to what you have read, giving you enhanced academic skills that are highly transferable.
  • Benefit from the opportunity to study literature across the forms of prose, poetry and drama.
  • Read different kinds of literature, written in different historical periods by a variety of authors.
  • Examine the contexts of the literature you are reading along with other readers’ interpretations of those contexts.

What can I do with this qualification?

An English Literature qualification is welcomed by employers in a range of sectors because it shows you have good analytical skills.

It also shows you have a high standard of written English, which is a key transferable skill.

In terms of university, A Level English Literature is often seen as a facilitating subject. This means it aids your application and keeps your study options open.

However, there is no reason why you cannot take English Literature at degree level.

Dates & Locations





LocationBrockenhurst College - Main Site

Date & time 08/09/2025 to 31/07/2027

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