GCSE Astronomy

GCSE Astronomy

Course introduction

Astronomy is one of the oldest and far reaching of the sciences. This course is an optional module for second year A Level Physicists who wish to study Astronomy.

Components of the course include:

  • The Earth, Moon and Sun
  • The Solar System
  • Stellar evolution
  • Cosmology
  • Observing techniques and space exploration

Introducing a new syllabus for which caters for both scientists and non-scientists alike. The course involves a theoretical element – the Solar System, Stars, Galaxies, Cosmology, Observing Techniques and Space Exploration – and a practical element which includes the use of Astronomical Equipment, Construction of Star Charts and Sun Dials. Assessment is by final examination and coursework.  

Minimum entry requirements

This course is available to 2nd year A level Physics students.

Course structure

The majority of the course is classroom based incorporating lectures, practicals and demonstrations. In addition night time observations will also be available. 

The GCSE includes a coursework component, which will primarily be practical in nature.

What can I do with this qualification?

Astronomy is now part of the national curriculum.  This GCSE grade will demonstrate a sound knowledge and interest in this fascinating scientific field. It provides an excellent foundation for any student wishing to study Astronomy or Astrophysics course at university. 


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