GCSE English
Course introduction
GCSE English Language is an exciting course, which offers you the opportunity to develop the Level 2 literacy skills that are essential for further study or employment. It is particularly designed for students who wish to improve upon a previous GCSE grade D and progress to a high grade pass. The course uses a varied selection of materials suitable for learners aged 16 or over and aims to help you to improve your communication skills.
GCSE English is changing
You will follow one of the new GCSE English Language syllabi, for first examination in 2017. You will read and be assessed on high-quality, challenging texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Each text studied will represent a substantial piece of writing, making significant demands on readers in terms of content, structure and the quality of language. The texts, across a range of genres and types, will support you in developing your own writing by providing effective models. The texts will include literature and extended literary non-fiction, and other writing such as essays, reviews and journalism (both printed and online).
Information & support
You will be a member of a group of students meeting for a number of lessons each week. You will read and study a range of appropriate texts; plan and work on course tasks to develop your reading and writing skills and to prepare you for the examinations; take part in speaking and listening activities and receive help and guidance to develop your communication skills. The College encourages students to be responsible for their own work and you will be expected to provide your own folders and stationery.
During the first weeks of term, you will undertake a range of initial assessment activities that will enable your subject tutor to place you on the appropriate course. As a result, it is possible that you will be asked to move groups.
Minimum entry requirements
If you have attained a grade D previously you will be encouraged to retake your GCSE over one year. Entry to the exam at the end of the year is dependent upon completion of the non-examination assessment of spoken language and excellent attendance.
Where GCSE is not an appropriate route, we offer Functional Skills to build basic skills more effectively towards a GCSE pass grade over two years. If you have attained a grade E, F or G previously and your screening result reveals that you are working at Level 1, you will work towards a Functional Skills qualification.
Course structure
Teaching methods include tutor-led sessions, tutorials and discussions, plus individual, paired and group tasks. The College also has its own dedicated e-learning site that students can access in and out of college.
What can I do with this qualification?
If you are taking your GCSE over one year, a grade 9 to 4 in English will show that you possess the vital written and oral skills that will help you move on to a more advanced course or employment opportunities. GCSE English Language is an essential qualification for many kinds of employment, usually at grade C/ grade 4 or above. It is also a requirement for most further education courses, including A Level. Many students go on to study Advanced Level and BTEC courses at the College. If you are taking the Functional Skills qualification, a pass at Level 2 will enable you to take GCSE English Language.