Herbalism – Meadow and Hedgerow Herbs

Herbalism – Meadow and Hedgerow Herbs

22/04/2025 - 20/05/2025

13:00 - 15:00

Lymington Community Centre

Course cost


01590 679457

Course introduction

You will be taught about the characteristics and nature of various herbs.

The fascinating course will cover the following topics:

  • Hedgerow  tinctures, Ointments, Syrups and Teas
  • Flowers and Bark: Bach Flower Remedies / Harvesting and drying herbs
  • Companion planting with herbs – general garden care and maintenance, making a Victorian herb garden.

Health and Safety issues will be introduced in each session and further advice given concerning the contraindications of herbs within the body.

Information & support

Students will not engage in any foraging activities during the course.The tutor grows the majority of her own herbs but will advise students how to purchase herbs from reputable sources.

At no time will any remedy be advised for pregnant or nursing women, young children and the very elderly or infirm who will always be advised to consult a medical practitioner should there be concerns related to health issues.

Students are required to bring a notebook, sketchpad, coloured inks, pens or pencils and will also be asked to keep a small diary to record their experiences of working with Herbs.

Students will not be required to buy any particular book but will be given a reading list to assist further studies.

Dates & Locations






LocationLymington Community Centre

Date & time 22/04/2025 to 20/05/2025
13:00 to 15:00
on a Tuesday


01590 679457

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