Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity

Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity

Start date
This course runs at various times of the year

Brockenhurst College - Main Site

Course cost


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Course introduction

This course will elevate your social awareness and standard of practice in the area of equality and diversity in any setting. This includes the workplace, the community, the home, and in society generally.

Course structure

Unit 1: Equality and diversity in society

You will learn what is meant by the term equality and explore the damaging effects of stereotyping and labelling.

Unit 2: Equality and diversity in the community

You will identify the extent of diversity that exists within a community and understand the benefits of promoting a culture of equality and diversity.

Unit 3: Equality and diversity in the workplace

You will learn how equality and diversity can be promoted and maintained by employees, plus the benefits of having a diverse

Dates & Locations






LocationBrockenhurst College - Main Site

Date & time This course runs at various times of the year


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