Dates & LocationsCourse introduction
Qigong, if you don’t know already, has similarities with tai chi. It is an exercise system characterised by gentle grace of movement and focusing the mind to listen to the body through breathing. There is no floorwork in this class. You will learn all the core principles of Pilates to improve your posture, core strength and line and weight placement, enabling safe flow of movement. Qigong is respected for its role in maintaining good physical and emotional health. It is also proven to develop coordination while improving balance and muscle tone. In addition, it can help to sustain mobility and flexibility. This is a joyful class where you can fly with the bird, roar with the tiger, and find inner mischief with the monkey.
Information & support
Please wear comfortable clothing. You can participate in bare feet, ballet or tai chi shoes. Please seek the advice of your medical physician if you are receiving or have had any recent treatments, or if you are in doubt about any condition you may have that could affect your participation.
Dates & Locations
LocationBrockenhurst Village Hall
Date & time
07/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
09:10 to 10:10
on a Tuesday
01590 679457
LocationBrockenhurst Village Hall
Date & time
22/04/2025 to 15/07/2025
09:10 to 10:10
on a Tuesday
01590 679457
LocationBrockenhurst Village Hall
Date & time
03/09/2024 to 03/12/2024
09:10 to 10:10
on a Tuesday
01590 679457