

Start date

Brockenhurst College - Main Site

Awarding body


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Course introduction

This programme is designed to equip you with the skills and qualities you need to work towards gaining employment. This will include Maths and English classes.

You will participate in a variety of core units that will help you develop skills in selecting and applying for a job, participating in an interview, health and safety at work and work-related skills and behaviours. You will participate in a weekly work experience placement.

Why choose

Here at Brock we have a special learning house, known as The Lodge, where you can improve your independent living skills in a real-life situation.

In addition, we have support links across the College and in the surrounding village.

Classes will be small and your tutor will work alongside a Learning Support Assistant who can assist when tasks become challenging.

Teaching & learning

There will be opportunities to visit various places of work to help you make decisions about what kind of career route you want to follow.

You can also access an Enrichment programme such as Art and Crafts, Music, Sport and Cooking, among others.

Information & support

  •  All Foundation Studies classes are for students with learning differences and/or disabilities.
  • In class you will be supported by your tutor and, if necessary, a learning support assistant (LSA). 
  • The College’s Skills Development Team will be available to provide specialist support to students with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia.
  • There is a Foundation Studies social space that can be accessed at break time and lunch time, with LSAs on duty. More confident students will be encouraged to access other parts of the College.
  • There will be an annual materials fee.
  • You may be eligible for assistance with funding. See main website for further information.
  • The Travel Team can assist with travel enquiries. You may wish to apply for funding to assist with specialised travel. Please contact the county SEN Travel team for further information.
  • If you are aged 16-18 you are entitled to free education. If you are 19-25 you will need to have a current Education, Health and Care Plan to access free education.
  • To receive remission you must be on a means-tested benefit.
  • You need to bring your EHCP (or draft assessment paperwork) to your interview.

Minimum entry requirements

You will need to have completed a minimum of 2 years in the Foundation Studies department. 

Course structure

1. Working in a team

2. Solving problems

3. Managing money

4. Work experience

5. Interview skills

6. English and Maths

What can I do with this qualification?

By completing this qualification you may be able to progress onto a traineeship, supported internship or apprenticeship.

Other options include employment and enrolment on an Adult Inclusive Community course.

Dates & Locations





LocationBrockenhurst College - Main Site

Date & time 08/09/2025 to 31/07/2026

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