Uniformed Protective Services Level 3 Extended Diploma

Uniformed Protective Services Level 3 Extended Diploma

Start date

Brockenhurst College - Main Site

Awarding body


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Course introduction

This course is a work-related study programme that gives you a balance of specific public service knowledge, understanding and skills.

Being a public servant requires good communication skills, leadership ability, compassion, discipline, and commitment to improving the lives of people in your community.

This Diploma aims to improve these essential skills and also gives you access to relevant public service professionals. Plus you will have the advantage of starting out on your chosen career path.

This, combined with valuable hands-on experience, will enable you to develop the initiative, organisational skills and teamwork needed for a successful career in the public services.

Why choose
Uniformed Protective Services Level 3 Extended Diploma?

At Brock you will be taught by former public service professionals, who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. There is also an Army Cadet Force element, which facilitates field exercises, external trips, rifle range activities and leadership roles.

This work-related aspect is further enhanced by the opportunity to gain improved interpersonal skills through the Community Action Volunteer group in your second year. This is particularly appropriate for future ‘blue light’ public servants.

Teaching & learning

Course delivery is a mixture of traditional lecturing methods, witness statement activities, practical assessments, presentations and research projects.

External speakers from each of the public services regularly interact with individual classes, and groups will participate in frequent trips to places like Hampshire Police and locations of The British Army.

Practical elements include adventurous activities such as kayaking, archery and climbing, as well as expeditions that test your navigation and camping skills.

Minimum entry requirements

Four GCSEs at grade 4 and above to include:
•    English Language
•    Maths

If you have previously taken a first diploma you should have achieved a Merit or Distinction.

Course structure

  • Learn about government and government policies in order to achieve a firm grounding in public sector matters.
  • Work on your leadership and teamwork skills to help you become a more effective all-round public service asset.
  • Develop skills that will serve you well in land-based public service pursuits.
  • Participate in adventurous outdoor activities including sports.
  • Undergo fitness testing to give you an idea of where to set your personal fitness targets.
  • Analyse in detail how to respond to emergencies appropriately.
  • Gain a detailed understanding of discipline, citizenship and diversity, which is what employers want to see.

What can I do with this qualification?

This course leads to a number of different public service-orientated opportunities.

For example, you may choose to go into the military in any one of a range of roles. Alternatively, you may wish to go into one of the ‘blue light’ services like police, fire and ambulance.

Some past students have taken roles in the Prison Service, the Probation Service and the UK Border Agency. Meanwhile, others have opted to study degree subjects such as Criminology and Law.

Dates & Locations





LocationBrockenhurst College - Main Site

Date & time 08/09/2025 to 31/07/2027

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