Watercolour Painting – beginners-plus
Dates & LocationsCourse introduction
Through the medium of watercolour you will explore mark making, shaping, line drawing, tone accentuating, texture development, perspective creating, proportion dictating and colour addition. You will explore the work of other artists to develop your skills and techniques. Also, you will be taught how to mix and apply colour. You will learn through demonstrations, informal discussions and one-to-one tuition. Subject matter may include natural forms, landscapes, cityscapes and the human figure. This course is suitable for beginners, as well as people with watercolour experience.
Information & support
You will need watercolour paper, an HB pencil, an eraser and a sharpener. Paint colours should include primary colours (red, yellow and blue) and also black. However, please bring along any other colours you may have. These can be a pan set of water colours or a set of tubes. Masking fluid and masking tape would be helpful too. Different sizes of brushes, round and flat, will be needed – such as sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. You will also need items that can serve as a palette and water pot.
Dates & Locations
LocationLymington Community Centre
Date & time
07/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
13:00 to 15:00
on a Tuesday
01590 679457
LocationLymington Community Centre
Date & time
22/04/2025 to 01/07/2025
13:00 to 15:00
on a Tuesday
01590 679457