Brock signs up to lend-an-expert initiative

18 November 2021

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Brockenhurst College has signed up to the College Collective pilot internal consultancy project, which will see in-house experts speak at other colleges.

Under the scheme, colleges will syndicate their expertise by loaning experts for special sessions and then benefitting from reciprocal visits.

This means colleges can avoid spending funds on external experts visiting their campuses to give students the benefit of their knowledge and experience.

Expert staff must first complete an Institute of Leadership & Management qualification, which Lisa Bell, Alex Williamson and Charlie Broomfield from Brock have already done.

Assistant Principal Dominic Chapman said: “This initiative is a way to pool expertise for the benefit of students and lessen budgetary pressures at the same time.

“Through this spirit of cooperation, we and the other colleges involved can provide an even better learning experience.”