Hard Brock Café at Brockenhurst College in drive to eliminate single-use plastic on site

19 October 2018

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Brockenhurst College’s student cafeteria has set itself the ultimate goal of eliminating single-use plastic on its site.

So far, the Hard Brock Café has stopped using polystyrene food trays, boxes and coffee cups, replacing them with more environmentally-friendly paper-based alternatives.

Decision-makers have also introduced wooden cutlery and drinks stirrers, as well as biodegradable drinks straws.

The move comes amid growing concern about the impact single-use-plastic has on the environment, with marine life particularly affected by the materials, which can take many years to break down.

The initiative is the result of collaboration between the Governors and the Students’ Union, and forms part of the College’s wider environmental strategy.

Hard Brock Cafe Manager Mark Bussell said: “The change has gone down extremely well with students, so we’re now working towards eliminating single-use plastic entirely.”

“This will be a long process, and we would welcome any help from government and industry,” he added.

Principal Di Roberts CBE said: “Single-use plastic has become a major issue for everyone who cares about our environment, which is why I am so pleased the Hard Brock café team are leading on such an initiative.”

The Hard Brock Café is popular with both staff and students, making around 200,000 sales each year.