Support and Bursaries
The bursary application process for 2024/2025 is now open
Your health and wellbeing are of paramount importance to us. As a result, we have lots of different kinds of support available to ensure your time with us is overwhelmingly positive.
Just scroll down to see what our various support departments provide to help you remain on track.

Our Student Services team is experienced in providing help, support and advice for all situations.
The team can assist with a range of topics including finance, learning difficulties, personal issues, and health and wellbeing.
They will always treat your questions or concerns with respect and confidentiality.
You can contact Student Services by emailing:
Bursaries and financial support
We realise that Further Education may involve some extra expense and that you may wish to reach out for additional financial support.
There are a number of ways to access help with costs, such as:
- Ensuring your family accesses all the state support to which you are entitled.
- Checking with your local authority to find out if they will assist with travel costs.
- Assessing whether there is help available from charities or trust funds. Click here to find out more.
- Applying to our College Bursary Fund (see below).
Importantly, bursaries cannot provide financial assistance for paying tuition fees.
Please see our Travel page for the most cost-effective way to reach Brockenhurst College.

How to apply for all Bursaries and Free College Meals
Please note that during the peak application period in August and September, it may take up to four weeks to process your application. Therefore, we suggest you apply as soon as possible. Once your application has been processed, we will send you full details of your award.
Please consider the following factors when applying:
- You can only apply for a bursary, once you have applied for a course and have a student ID number.
- You will need to provide your bank account details.
- You will need to upload supporting evidence of household income.
If you require assistance with the application process or are unable to complete it online, please contact the Bursary team by emailing
Additional Resources
Turn2us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help.
Dorset Community Foundation
Dorset Community Foundation (DCF) offers grants to students from low income families living in Dorset.
Olivia Inspires
Olivia Inspires helps young people aged 11 to 18 whose families live in the New Forest District Council area and who are facing financial hardship.
For full information on national guidance and eligibility for the awards mentioned above, please visit:
16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide 2024 to 2025 academic year – GOV.UK (
Advanced Learner Loans funding rules: 2024 to 2025
Grants and bursaries for adult learners:
Adult skills fund: funding rules 2024 to 2025 – GOV.UK (

Get in touch
If you can not find the information you are looking for or would like to talk to a member of our team, you can contact us through the following options:
Tel: 01590 625555
More contact information