Travelling to Brock
We are easily accessible by train or via our extensive bus network.
Trains to/from Bournemouth currently run up to 4 times per hour and trains to/from Southampton run up to 3 times per hour.
College buses arrive by 8:50am for the 9:00am start and depart at 4:30pm.

Travelling by bus
Our extensive bus network covers Ringwood, the Waterside, Lymington, Salisbury, Bournemouth, Wimborne and numerous towns and villages in between.
For increased flexibility, College bus passes are valid – including evening and weekend use – on the Blue Star 6, 8 & 9 and the More Bus X1/X2, X3 & X6 public services at no extra charge.
For 2024/25, we will be offering subsidised bus passes on a full academic year, termly and monthly basis. Learners eligible for the Discretionary Bursary will receive an additional 50% contribution towards the cost of monthly passes.
2024/25 bus passes will be available for purchase via our online store from 16 August 2024. Updated bus pricing can be found below and our Full Academic Year pass is offered with an Early Bird discount until 06 September 2024.
Full 2024/25 bus timetables including route maps are available on the MoreBus website. Downloadable PDF timetables can be found here.

Travelling by train
Costing just £30 per year, the 16-17 Saver Railcard affords a 50% discount on single, return and season (including Flexi Season) tickets and we strongly encourage all rail users under 18 to obtain one.
New for 2024/25, the Discretionary Bursary will offer a further 50% contribution towards the purchase price of certain ticket types (typically reducing travel costs to 25% of the adult fare). Please see the Support & Bursaries page of our website to apply for financial support and for more information.
For most rail users, purchasing a Flexi Season ticket affords the greatest savings. For learners with a 5-day timetable, purchasing up to 6x custom period tickets (in line with our half term dates) can prove a more cost-effective approach (please email for more details).
Learners turning 18 during the academic year might consider applying the Saver discount to a custom period season ticket that starts prior to their 18th birthday (discounts can apply for up to 4 months after the cardholder turns 18 – please email for guidance).
Learners aged 18 or over and travelling from Salisbury or Poole (minimum fare and time restrictions apply) may benefit from the purchase of a 16-25 Railcard.

Get in touch
If you can not find the information you are looking for or would like to talk to a member of our team, you can contact us through the following options:
Tel: 01590 625555
More contact information